Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Youth Back to School Pool Party

Strength to stand conference 2024

Purpose For Our Youth Ministries

I. Salvation and Service

Goal 1: To see youth saved and to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
   Teen ministry helps young people learn what it means to follow Jesus Christ and to live as his disciples today, empowering them to serve others and to work toward a world built on the visions and values of the reign of God.
Goal 2: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the church and faith community.
   Teen ministry is helping young people grow in faith as they experience life in community and actively participate in the mission of Jesus Christ and his Church.
Goal 3: To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
   Teen ministry fosters positive adolescent development and growth in both Christian discipleship and Christian identity. Promoting the growth of young and older adolescents means addressing their unique developmental, social, and religious needs and nurturing the qualities and assets necessary for positive development.

II. Structure and Community
   Even in the best families, sometimes things get rocky. Work problems, financial issues, illness, and a variety of other factors can create stress in the home. When this tension is present, teens will often search for an outlet. Without an escape, their study and social habits can suffer, leading to other problems, such as a degrade in mental health. The outlet, however, is not always healthy itself. Too many teens find comfort in drugs and alcohol because they believe they’re the only reprieve from stress.
   Youth ministries, such as the grade 7-12 ministries at Lowerytown Missionary Baptist Church (LMBC) can provide that structure that teens need. Youth leaders and fellow members of a teen’s youth group can not only provide friendship, but they can also support teens with advice and comfort in hard times. The guidance in youth ministries helps teens grow into strong, God-loving adults. Then they can turn around and provide that guidance to the next generation of Christian youth.

III. Engagement
   Let’s face it — teens don’t always find church to be the most exciting place. Most of us remember our church visits as fairly dull affairs, sitting on wooden pews, listening to a preacher talk on and on behind a pulpit. In many cases, teens would rather be hanging out with friends and don’t understand the value of attending service every Sunday. At LMBC we understand this and aim to make the churchgoing experience more exciting and enjoyable for Christians of all ages.
   A youth ministry furthers the enjoyment a teen can get out of going to church. Members of a youth group are generally tight-knit. Teens won’t dread going to church if that’s where their friends are. They begin to look forward to their church experiences because they know they’ll be surrounded by people who care about them and can relate to them. Plus, if those mental blocks about church being boring are removed, teens are more likely to actually pay attention and begin to understand more about God’s grace.

IV. Role Models and Mentors
   Teens are constantly surrounded by adult influences. At school, it’s their teachers. At home, their parents. On TV, a wide range of actors, hosts, comedians, and so on will have an impact on a teen’s life view. All of these sources have a direct effect on how a teen learns and grows — how they decide who they will become. It’s crucial that, during this time, they have the presence of Christian role models.
   At home, parents often fill this role by teaching their children about Christ and God’s love from an early age. However, at a certain point, taking mom and dad’s word likely won’t cut it. Teens need to hear about Jesus from others. This usually means their church pastor, but a youth leader can have an even greater impact. They provide a mentor resource that teens can utilize whenever they have questions or need advice. That accessibility makes teens understand that the church wants to help them with whatever they may be going through at a given time.

V. A Safe Place
   Perhaps another important thing a youth ministry provides is a safe place when teens need it. Teens are often hesitant to confide in their parents about issues bothering them for fear of them disappointing mom and dad. However, having a trusted group of peers and spiritual mentors gives teens a safe place to discuss their thoughts and concerns. This is an irreplaceable resource for developing teens.
   Teens can confide in their youth leaders when they struggle with sin or temptation, or when problems come up at home or school that they’re scared to talk to their parents about. Skilled youth leaders are great at creating honest and open dialogue. They won’t judge teens for what they confess and will only seek to help them. This safe place for growing teenagers can be invaluable. Without it, teens can feel isolated and resort to destructive behavior to try and escape their stressors.
   Teen life can be busy and chaotic. It’s filled with the stress of constant changes and the pressure of finding out what they want to be in life. At LMBC, we’re proud of our youth ministries and strive to improve them each and every day. A youth group can provide that safety net that catches them when it all seems too much. Youth ministers can contribute valuable guidance. Youth events can prove to be fulfilling experiences in their young lives. Other members can prove to be lifelong friends and confidants. Along the way, the youth groups can help the world learn the grace and mercy of Christ.