It Will Be Worth It All In Glory; Revelation 14:12-13
October 29, 2023

It Will Be Worth It All In Glory; Revelation 14:12-13

Passage: Revelation 14:12-13
Service Type:

It Will Be Worth it All in Glory
Revelation 14: 12-13

I. The Reality of Their Faith (12a) –There is no doubt that these who have trusted the Lord were people of faith.

A. The Steadfastness of Their Faith – The word patience is significant. It speaks of the steadfast endurance

B. The Satisfaction of Their Faith – These did not begrudge their faith unto the Lord.

II. The Reflection of Their Faith (12b) –

A. Their Faithfulness to the Word – They are committed to living according to the Word of God.

B. Their Faithfulness to the Lord –These have made a determined choice to remain faithful unto the Lord no matter the cost.

III. The Results of Their Faith (13) –

A. They are Rejoicing –This is a beautiful verse in that it reminds us of what awaits the child of God.

B. They are Resting –There will be seasons of reaping and rest along the way, but that final rest only Jesus can give.

C. They are Rewarded –All that these faithful servants had done was not in vain.

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