Judgment of Sin City; Revelation 18:1-8
February 11, 2024

Judgment of Sin City; Revelation 18:1-8

Passage: Revelation 18:1-8
Service Type:

Judgment of Sin City
Revelation 18: 1-8

I. The Inhabitants of the City (2) –
A. Their Description – The Babylonian system will be inhabited by the demonic forces of Satan himself.
B. Their Domain – “a guard or watch; a place where captives are kept in prison.”

1. It is apparent that Satan has a grip on many in the world today, but it is nothing compared to what is coming.

II. The Intoxication of the City (3) –
A. Intoxicated with Her Philosophy (3a) – The entire world has been lured in by the seduction of the Babylonian system.
B. Intoxicated with Her Pleasure (3b) –The kings of the earth, along with the nations, have become drunk with her seduction, committing fornication with Babylon.
C. Intoxicated with Her Prosperity (3c) –The desire for wealth and riches will take over men’s lives.

III. The Inquisition of the City (4-8) –
A. Her Reproach (5) –The Babylonian system has enjoyed a season of prosperity.

1. We serve a God of holiness; He will not wink at sin and simply allow it to continue.

B. Her Reward (6) – God has called for the “reward” of Babylon. – This words means “to pay a debt; to return that which is due.”
C. Her Reputation (7) – Here we find the attitude of the Babylonian philosophy. It stands in arrogant defiance to the Lord.
D. Her Ruin (8) –Her sinful heart has been filled many days with the pleasures of life, but it is all coming to a destructive end.

1. Much of His wrath had been seasoned with mercy, but her ruin will be swift.