The Collapse of Babylon; Revelation 18:9-24
February 25, 2024

The Collapse of Babylon; Revelation 18:9-24

Passage: Revelation 18:9-24
Service Type:

The Collapse of Babylon
Revelation 18: 9-24

I. The “Reaction” to the Collapse (9-20)
A. The Response of “Monarchs” (9-10) –
1. The kings of the earth bewail the fall of Babylon.
B. The Response of the “Merchants” (11-17a)
1. The Loss of “Luxurious” Items (12) –
2. The Loss of “Lowly” Items (13)
3. The Loss of “Lustful” Items (14)
4. The Loss of “Lucrative” Items (15-17a)
C. The Response of the “Mariners” (17b-19)
D. The Response of the “Multitude” (20)

II. The “Reality” of the Collapse (21-24)
A. Her Collapse is “Declared” (21)
B. Her Collapse is “Defined” (22-23b)
1. No More “Happiness” (22a) –
2. No More “Honor” (22b) –
3. No More “Hope” (23a) –
4. No More “Heritage” (23b) –
C. Her Collapse is “Deserved” (23c-24) –