The True Value of Wealth; James 1:9-11
January 21, 2024

The True Value of Wealth; James 1:9-11

Passage: James 1:9-11
Service Type:

The True Value of Wealth
James 1:9-11
I. The Temporary Nature of Earthly Wealth
A. The Rich Should Boast in Humility (James 1:9) The rich are reminded that their wealth is fleeting.
1. They should not boast or find security in their material possessions.
B. The Poor Should Boast in Exaltation (James 1:9) The poor are encouraged to find their worth in their elevated status before God.

II. The Fleeting Nature of Human Life
A. The Rich Will Fade Like the Flower (James 1:10) Just as a beautiful flower withers away, wealth does not guarantee immortality.
1. Human life is temporary, and no amount of riches can change that.
B. The Poor Will Exalt Like the Grass (James 1:11) The poor should take comfort in the fact that their exaltation will come in eternity.
1. Like grass that flourishes, they will be raised to glory in God's kingdom.

III. The Eternal Value of Heavenly Wealth
A. The Only True Wealth: Salvation (James 1:12) True wealth lies not in material possessions, but in the gift of salvation through Christ.
1. The faithful who endure trials will receive the crown of life, an everlasting treasure.
B. Prioritizing Eternal Riches (Matthew 6:19-20) Jesus teaches us to store our treasures in heaven, where they are secure and never perish.
1. Heavenly wealth, such as love, compassion, and service, far outweighs material wealth.

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