Transforming Hearts and Lives; Psalm 100:4-5
November 19, 2023

Transforming Hearts and Lives; Psalm 100:4-5

Passage: Psalm 100:4-5
Service Type:

Transforming Hearts and Lives
Psalm 100:4-5

I. The Call to Thanksgiving
A. Recognizing God’s goodness and faithfulness
B. Understanding the transformative power of gratitude
1. There is a Shift in Perspective
2. There is an Increase in Contentment
3. There is a filling of Joy and Peace
4. There is a Deepened Relationship with God
II. Jesus’ Example of Thanksgiving
A. The Last Supper: A scene of gratitude
1. Giving thanks for the bread
2. Giving thanks for the cup
B. Lessons from Jesus’; thankfulness
1. Humility and gratitude
2. Recognition of God’s plan and provision

III. The Impact of Thanksgiving
A. Thanksgiving as an antidote to negativity
B. Cultivating a thanksgiving mindset in daily life
1. Improves Mental Health –
2. Enhanced Physical Health –
3. Increased Empathy and Compassion –
4. Increased Productivity and Success –

IV. Practicing Thanksgiving
A. Counting our blessings “Count Your Blessing Name Them One By One”
1. Life Itself –
2. Forgiveness and Redemption –
3. Love and Compassion –
4. Guidance and Wisdom –
5. Faith and Spiritual Growth –
6. Provision and Abundance –
7. Protection and Safety –
8. Miracles and Answered Prayers –
9. Purpose and Meaningful Experiences –
10. Eternal Life –