Turning Towards Truth: The Call of Zechariah; Zech. 1:1-6
September 15, 2024

Turning Towards Truth: The Call of Zechariah; Zech. 1:1-6

Passage: Zech. 1:1-6
Service Type:

Turning Towards Truth: The Call of Zechariah
Zech. 1:1-6

I. The Plea from the Past (Verses 1-2)
A. DIVINE DISPATCH: GOD sends a solemn salutation via Zechariah, stirring remembrance of His
displeasure with the paths chosen by their forefathers.
B. LESSONS FROM LEGACY: Our past may not define us, but it certainly imparts potent lessons about
compliance and rebellion.
C. REFLECTIVE REVELATION: Contemplate your inherited legacy of faith or failure.
II. The Promise of Turning (Verse 3)
A. CALL TO CONVERSION: God’s charge through Zechariah rings clear: “Turn ye unto me, and I will turn
unto you.”
B. GRACEFUL EMBRACE: God's readiness to turn towards us reveals His boundless grace and mercy.
C. PATH TO PERSONAL RENEWAL: Strategically pinpoint areas for active turning towards God.
III. The Peril of Rebellion (Verse 4)
A. WARNING AGAINST WAYWARDNESS: God cautions against the defiance of their ancestors who turned
a deaf ear to the prophets.
B. STAGNATION SETBACK: Neglecting God’s call leads to spiritual stagnation and squandered
opportunities for flourishing.
C. RECLAIMING MESSAGES: What divine whispers have you been neglecting?
IV. The Proof of the Prophets (Verses 5-6)
A. ENDURING EVIDENCE: Zechariah reminds them that their forefathers’ fates depict a prophetic
portrait, cautioning us today about disregarding wisdom.
B. POWER OF THE WORD: The divine declarations possess undeniable transformative power; they shape
our current and future landscapes.
C. GUIDING BELIEFS: What core beliefs do you hold about God’s Word? How does it shape your daily

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