Judgment of the Great Harlot (Part 2);Revelation 17:7-18
February 4, 2024

Judgment of the Great Harlot (Part 2);Revelation 17:7-18

Passage: Revelation 17:7-18
Service Type:

Judgment of the Great Harlot (Part 2)
Revelation 17: 7-18

I. The Mystery of the Harlot (8-14) – He was shocked at what he saw.
1. Remember that John had walked with Jesus
A. The Rise of the Beast (8-11) – The mystery that the angel unveils deals with the beast.
1. We find that he shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition.
2. The 5 fallen kings are the empires that dominated the world prior to John writing Revelation: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, the Medo-Persian Empire, and the Greeks. They all subscribed to the anti-God philosophy.
B. The Reign of the Beast (12-13) – Here we find an alliance formed with the beast.
C. The Ruin of the Beast (14) –This is yet another reference to the battle of Armageddon.

II. The Massacre of the Harlot (16-17) – God has always hated and dealt with false religion and the great harlot will be no exception.
A. Her Massacre is Ominous (16) – As the Tribulation draws to a close, the beast and his followers will turn against the harlot.
B. Her Massacre is Ordained (17-18) – The beast and his world system are actually pawns in the hand of Almighty God.