An Accountability Awakening Romans 14:8-11 I. The Divine Purpose in Life and Death (Romans 14:8-9) A. Living Unto the Lord B. Dying Unto the Lord C. Christ: Our Reigning Savior…
Armor Up for the Arrival! Romans 13:11-14 I. Awaken from Spiritual Slumber A. Acknowledge the Alarm B. Appreciate the Assurance II. Abandon the Works of Darkness A. Cast Off Sinful…
Loving Our Neighbors As Ourselves Romans 12:14-18 I. The Power of Blessings (Romans 12:14) A. The Call to Bless B. The Challenge of Persecution C. The Transformation of Our Heart…
The Call to Authenticity and Action Romans 12:9-13 I. Authentic Love Manifested (Romans 12:9) A. Love Without Dissimulation B. Abhorring Evil 1. Rejecting Sin: 2. Combating Evil with Good: C.…
Unity in Diversity Romans 12:4-8 I. The Foundation of Fellowship A. Many Members, One Mission: Romans 12:4 - "For as we have many members in one body..." B. Embracing Our…
Living Sacrifices: Transformed for Triumph Romans 12:1-3 I. The Call to Commitment (Romans 12:1) - “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God…” A. THE MOTIVATION OF MERCY…
The Profound Power of God’s Love John 3:16-21 I. The Nature of God’s Love - Embark on an Adventure of Affection A. The Depth of God’s Love 1. Infinite Love…
Joy: A Divine Declaration Luke 1:46-55 I. Joy in Anticipation A. Awaiting the Arrival of the Savior B. The Blessing Found in Expectation C. The Power of Perseverance II. The…
Advent Peace; Luke 2:8-14 I. The Essence of Advent Peace A. DEFINITION OF PEACE 1. Biblical Peace (Shalom and Eirene): B. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVENT PEACE 1. Peace in Adversity: II.…
Hope: The Prophetic Hope of a Coming Messiah Isaiah 9:2-7 I. Understanding Biblical Hope A. The Distinction Between Wishing and Hope 1. Wishing is Fleeting and Groundless 2. Biblical Hope:…
God’s Grace and the Glorious Remnant Romans 11:1-6 I. The Assurance of God’s Affection A. The Profound Question: Doubt and Despair -“Hath God cast away His people?” (v.1) B. The…
The Conviction, the Call, and the Confidence of Salvation Romans 10:10-13 I. THE CONVICTION OF THE HEART (ROMANS 10:10) A. THE REQUIREMENT OF BELIEF Heartfelt Faith: For with the heart…